Monday, September 30, 2019

Imagine There's No IRS: Restoring the Constitution in the Wake of the 16...


Some taxation is constitutional, legal and even moral. However, a lot of the taxes even beyond the income tax (like the estate tax) is immoral and unconstitutional and therefore illegal. We need to find a way to get out of this as to be honest this is a form of slavery. The Lord GOD does not operate this way. Yes, He taxes income, no way to say He does not, however He allows us 90% of income! And that is it. We have a tithe and we keep 90% if we want to offer gifts and small donations out of the goodness of our hearts great but it must come from a cheerful and grateful heart. The governments of this world tax EVERYTHING, even if it is not taxed up front it is taxed in the back end and then we die and they tax money that has been taxed sometimes dozens of times already. This is disgusting and immoral.

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