Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday, September 6, 2018

How to Lose Belly Fat in ONE Week at Home with 3 Simple Steps


Healing by Design - Cysts, Fibroid & Tumors


A lot of this makes sense to be honest. 

Martha MacCallum Eviscerates Juan Williams For Saying DeSantis Is Racist...


 He said it in reference to the situation of not messing up the voting successes they have had. It is obvious. Monkey, etc. CAN be used as a racial term, but it is not an exclusively racial or racist term. People are being absurd. Also it is a concerted effort for people were using the same words. Gillam is a fool that either doesn't mind being used or is so ignorant doesn't know he is being used. Juan Williams is beyond a fool. Going after Obama does not equal being a racist. What happened to equality? As a President he is vulnerable to derision and insults as any other President. It is disgusting this racism of low expectations being employed even by Blacks like Juan. He and those like him are the real house negroes.

No, Chicago’s Gun Violence Is Not Because of Other States | A Gun Contro...


What's Wrong with E-Cigarettes?


A day in the life of an ancient Egyptian doctor - Elizabeth Cox

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... I find this short video to be fascinating to be honest.