Friday, April 19, 2013

Steve Emerson with Glenn Beck on FOUR suspects of the Boston Bombings...


Please look at this video from The Blaze: 
This is very interesting and worthy to at least discuss. It is important to know the extent of corruption this administration is willing to submit itself to. The Saudi suspect who is being deported that whole thing is very suspicious. What is the purpose of his being deported.  Please watch and discuss here:

History of the Democrat Party...


This morning I read this I vowed to post it wherever I could. I am not a Republican I am an Independent, however no one would have enough money to pay me to be a Democrat. Please read this, please research it, know the history, spread the facts. The Democrat/Liberal/Progressive movement does not want free people. Their use of Blacks is absolutely evil and people need to know the truth ESPECIALLY Blacks and Hispanics.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Yoda Has His Say...


I found this today on Twitter and I HAD to share it with people:

Isn't that funny? We need sometimes moments of laughter to counter the insanity of this world.

Pray for Boston

I wish you all well

Thursday, April 11, 2013

God Made a Democrat - The David Boze Show

Funny parody of "God Made a Farmer". It is quite enjoyable. I hope you enjoy it. I would change that to God made a liberal as there are a lot of Republicans are crazy.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

PJTV: Why Liberals Like Touré Love Racism

Zo goes off on Toure. I am so sick of that man. He is essentially the example of the things that he claims conservatives are. Why is it that we are not post race as Obama's election promised? It is insane.

Man Kills Son over fear that he is handicapped

Wow this is seriously insane. I obviously feel bad about the murders. I don't think he should have ever put his wife in danger in the first place of getting a disease. However, I just want to focus on this one part: The fact that he thought that his 27 year old was handicapped because he (it seems) was the stereotypical Occupier/Liberal young man, I have to admit I chuckled. I do feel bad but come on! That has got to be a social commentary if there ever was one.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

‘Die slow’: Stacey Dash attacked after calling out Jay-Z, Beyoncé for funding ‘communist oppressive regime’ with Cuba trip

‘Die slow’: Stacey Dash attacked after calling out Jay-Z, Beyoncé for funding ‘communist oppressive regime’ with Cuba trip


This disgusting display of evil by the Left when someone dares to question the behavior of their darlings is disgusting to me. I cannot believe that none of these people care enough to even engage the initial question and just resolved to attack. The tolerance of the Left y'all as clear as the day.

Imagine There's No Border

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... A great video on immigration. A bit old but still good and contemporary.

PJTV's Andrew Klavan: Are You A Racist? A Frank Conversation

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... Funny yet quite frank view on racism in our culture.

Andrew Klavan: Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats?


A very interesting story on this issue by Andrew Klavan:

Andrew Klavan: The Hilarious World of Abortion

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS...  Just watch...

Andrew Klavan: Multiculturalism Explained

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... Andrew Klavan talking about Multiculturalism. It is a great video.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Blog: Mother of murdered Benghazi State Department officer tells Hannity 'They wanted to shut me up'

Blog: Mother of murdered Benghazi State Department officer tells Hannity 'They wanted to shut me up'


The Benghazi murders have been badly handled since the very first day. The fact that this administration has failed to truly be a transparent Presidency tells me that we cannot trust Obama on anything. We also need to be very aware of the role of Hillary Clinton in this and realize that she will not be the best President.