Thursday, May 16, 2019

Cable News Crazies Completely Unhinged

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS...   These vicious lies have got to be the symptoms of some kind of psychopathy or sociopathy or general mental illness due to depression and/or anxiety disorder. This is not normal. Not even Bush got it this bad, mainly because he would stay quiet and not defend himself. These people are so crazy and the words they use you can tell they are describing themselves. Many are probably just demon possessed or demonized or maybe they are luciferian...  I don't know. There could be a spiritual aspect to this that is sad to see, but it could simply be mental disorder. This is not normal, this is beyond abnormal. There is nothing normal about obvious lies about a person that they know fully well is not a racist nor a white nationalist and has proven that again and again. This is about control, they cannot control him and they are angered that people are waking up or they are able to speak freely after all the time they were in control. They are afraid, you can tell.