Thursday, December 19, 2019

Monday, December 16, 2019

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Trump continues to whoop Elijah Cumming's ass over the condition of Balt...

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS...  Elijah got buried today... let us not forget he was in control of a rat infested district for 20 years

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Deandre Somerville JAILED for missing jury duty


Second Look at Amber Guyger Trial

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... Long. But he makes good points and he describes her character very well. Forgiveness is one thing, but ten years... under all these circumstances. This was my comment there: So... what are we saying here? She assassinated him for a yet unknown reason...? OR she was so blinded by the thought that he was there "in her apartment" AND another reason (he was black, he was male...) that all training and proper decision making went out the window? Did she see this as an opportunity to be GI Jane without ANY situational awareness whatsoever? (Speaking to her not being someone that should be an officer due to biases of any kind and incompetence and BIGNESS of ego) Or did she have an issue with him personally and murdered him in cold blood?

Why I Don't Want and Don't Deserve Reparations


Blasey Ford Lawyer Admits Political Motive in Kavanaugh Smear | The Quie...


ABL Debates Mo Ansar on RT About Religion and Online Censorship (FULL)


Monday, September 30, 2019

Trump 'Loves All People' & Revives Essence of Republican Party-David Har...


DEBUNKED: TOP 5 Socialism Lies! | Louder With Crowder


Mueller Report Makes OBAMA Look Bad, Collusion Narrative a LIE To Protec...


Corey Booker and a Man walk into a bathroom...


Imagine There's No IRS: Restoring the Constitution in the Wake of the 16...


Some taxation is constitutional, legal and even moral. However, a lot of the taxes even beyond the income tax (like the estate tax) is immoral and unconstitutional and therefore illegal. We need to find a way to get out of this as to be honest this is a form of slavery. The Lord GOD does not operate this way. Yes, He taxes income, no way to say He does not, however He allows us 90% of income! And that is it. We have a tithe and we keep 90% if we want to offer gifts and small donations out of the goodness of our hearts great but it must come from a cheerful and grateful heart. The governments of this world tax EVERYTHING, even if it is not taxed up front it is taxed in the back end and then we die and they tax money that has been taxed sometimes dozens of times already. This is disgusting and immoral.

Thursday, September 26, 2019



The infamous transcripts have been released! The smoking gun.




Trump Sanctuary City Plan: Useless Distraction or Bloody Genius?


How to Speak Femininely


Jordan Peterson: "Weak men can't be virtuous"


Trump Ukraine Phone Call Transcript Shows What You Want to See

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... The favor was to investigate Crowdstrike as per their role in 2016 elections... the favor was NOT about Biden and when Biden was mentioned there was no quid pro quo nor was it first spoken of by the President it was brought up by the Ukraine President who wanted to drain the swamp in his country just like US President wants to do in the USA. Very important to know this and to realize this and to disseminate this correctly. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Anyone Living In America That Hates America LEAVE!!!

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... I agree with her 100%. There is nothing wrong with what the President said whatsoever... 

Why Democrat Efforts to End Electoral College Must Be Stopped

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... Democrats wanting to get rid of the Electoral College are idiots. 

Bernie Sanders Agrees to Fox News Town Hall, Media Matters Rips Him | Th...

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... The Premises are old... but the OVERALL message of communication and reaching out is always universal and the idea that just smearing people for the effort of smearing but not communicating persuadable argument is universal and right. The left fails in so many ways. That is why I cannot be a leftist. And yes I will give Bernie credit here, although he too failed, because at the town hall he displayed his double talk and hypocrisy.  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Burma | Misunderstood and Slandered by the MSM


This country is and has been hostile and persecutorial of Christians without cause, FOR DECADES ... in fact for a century... and no one cares... they do the same and perhaps a little worst to Muslims, WITH CAUSE, everyone cares? F majority Burma they are trash people. Yes Islam sucks and woo hoo Burma does not want Islam trash taking over... but they are massive persecutors of innocent people. They are not misunderstood at all.

How You Can Legally Avoid Paying US Income Tax (Aaron Russo)


We need to let Mr. Trump know that we need to be set free from evil taxation.

BUSTED: 5 NEW Kavanaugh Lies! | Louder with Crowder

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... he is right... what is happening to this man is evil

Anatomy of New York Times Kavanaugh Smear: Grey Lady Reveals Her Seamy Side

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... Steven Green is 100% correct. They bit the bullet in order to do "the good work" of smearing someone so there is always an asterisk of doubt on everything he does and to try to malign him and make him doubt himself for ever. Disgusting. Thankfully most will not fall for this, only the idiots will hold this lie against him. 

Japanology Plus 2017 02 09 Okinawan Karate


8 Best tie knots for Wedding and Festive events . How to tie a necktie


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I'm Pro-Life (4th Edition) | Change My Mind


David Bach's 7 Places Your Money Needs To Go Automatically


Sherry Peel Jackson speaks on Being put in Federal Prison for Misdemean...

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS...  The Government needs to do business, the government needs to be an entrepreneur that invests and make its money and not devalue the dollar going back to a gold and silver standards. If citizens want to donate to government costs like military, etc they have the ability to do so either fed or state or city their choice, not through compulsion. The Government has to innovate not rely on taxes.There should be no sales tax. Donald J. Trump​ President Donald J. Trump​ no taxes except voluntary and no benefits for everyone or benefits for everyone choose, married people should not enjoy benefits unmarried do not. There should be no estate tax.The President should pardon her and speak with her. The interviewer is garbage, but the message is important. This should be shared and sent to Mr. Trump multiple times. We need to stop being slaves. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

Republican politician criticized for refusing a ride along with a female...

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... Martha is an idiot... In the common era of Me Too, and even before (read Joseph's story in the Bible). thirsty whores, spies, evil women, haters, traps be out here wanting and needing to destroy people's lives. Are we really surprised? Is Martha an idiot? The problem is that you can't trust anyone and people have a right to not be alone with someone they don't want to. Why is this something that merits explanation? At all! in today's climate...

Black Conservative Thoughts on #ADOS Movement


NBC Says Mitch McConnell's Ancestors Owned Slaves. So What?

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... I am not responsible for the shit my ancestors did... yet in many ways I could still be dealing with the good or the bad that they did if they are things that are generational in nature, but all in all, I am not personally responsible for the behaviors of others and thus not the one to pay in any way shape nor form for what they did. Liberals are hypocrites. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Tucker sounds off on new Jussie Smollett developments

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... This still makes me angry. That he did not pay for the crime of lying like this which could have let someone be targeted and die... it makes me even angrier. 

Jim Jefferies shows TRUE colors


Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Game Devs Claim Loot Box Regulation is "Censorship" and Violation of Rights

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS...  This is an interesting topic to be honest. I don't think it is white nor black nor definitive one way or another. It is true that micro transactions are a little too out of control, but government intervention gives me pause.

Monday, June 24, 2019

It's Time to Talk About Title IX

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS...                                                                                                        Title IX is bad for both men and women... the way to handle this: Practice moral practices (Judeo-Christian/Pence Rule can help), and practice self defense. People complicate things and screw themselves. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Black Kids at Ivy League School Say There Are Too Many Foreign Blacks On...

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... This is sad and under-reported. This is absolutely racism.

Pellagra - A Medical Mystery - Extra History


Amazing story.

Diversity Initiatives Don't Work (Here's Why) | Liberty Update

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS...                                                                                                                   SCIENCE

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Cable News Crazies Completely Unhinged

KIMMYQUEEN SAYS...   These vicious lies have got to be the symptoms of some kind of psychopathy or sociopathy or general mental illness due to depression and/or anxiety disorder. This is not normal. Not even Bush got it this bad, mainly because he would stay quiet and not defend himself. These people are so crazy and the words they use you can tell they are describing themselves. Many are probably just demon possessed or demonized or maybe they are luciferian...  I don't know. There could be a spiritual aspect to this that is sad to see, but it could simply be mental disorder. This is not normal, this is beyond abnormal. There is nothing normal about obvious lies about a person that they know fully well is not a racist nor a white nationalist and has proven that again and again. This is about control, they cannot control him and they are angered that people are waking up or they are able to speak freely after all the time they were in control. They are afraid, you can tell. 

Monday, April 29, 2019

Konami's Harassment & Extortion Further Detailed #fuckonami


Well there goes shaving my man beard!


10 Year Old Drag Kids and the Attack on America


 I bet you this is what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah and Nineveh and pretty much all ancient civilizations like Rome as well. Behaviors became more and more gross to the point where the laws essentially were created where it became illegal to NOT participate... and then we know what happened to those civilizations.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Great Again: American Supermajority Loves Trump Economy


 During the entire Obama Presidency people were not better off financially than the year before? The hell....?! Wow!

Friday, March 1, 2019

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Pat Robertson: Divorce Wife With Alzheimer's


 I think he was saying that divorce is better than adultery, and that he, the husband, should ensure she is well taken care of, before leaving her. That is a practical and tbh worldly yet... "kind" response. It wouldn't be right for him to live with someone else while he is married, nor to abandon her without ensuring she has the best care. I wouldn't want him to treat her badly or kill her, so in a secular situation, this is the best advice.

The husband is an asshole... for better for worse... in sickness and in health... that was an oath. Disease is not a good reason for divorce and Pat should have stated that. He should have stated that as a secular person, however this would be his advice to him, HOWEVER if the man is a Christian SHAME on him for doing this and would he be ok if the shoe was on the other foot?

David Hogg Ignores Gun Violence for Gun Control | 2A Today


Monday, February 18, 2019

"WHAT A PIECE OF SH*T: Jussie Smollett" | Louder With Crowder


Last Parkland Victim Released from Hospital | Blames the Sheriff, Not th...


Germaine Greer: Transgender women are 'not women' - BBC Newsnight


What is the problem with what she said. I cannot protect people's feelings.

Telling a Story from the Inside Out

So... instead of getting her psychological help, functional medicine of some kind or finding out if she needs to change her diet and/or get supplementation... basically HELP his daughter... he, the director, decides to make a movie... mmmk...

How two brave backpackers escaped real life Wolf Creek monster - Part on...


 I am sick and tired of these stories. I am excited and joyful they survived, but how stupid can you be? What world these people live in? I am grateful to the Lord I survived my 20's. i just don't understand why people are so naive and stupid IN THE CURRENT TIMES! Again, so happy they survived. But wow...