That is just sad. Many who voted for Barack did not vote for Hillary because she isn't Black and because they knew she was pandering to them. She is a terrible person.
Just me saying things that are important to me, sharing my increasing insanity with the world. Looking for sanity and to relieve my mind of craziness.
KIMMYQUEEN SAYS...Christians... you know that we are living in the Bible right now right? We can't really act as if this or anything like this is surprising. We have been told from time immemorial about this. The world has become more and more corrupt and more and more willing to sacrifice people for the sake of evil and control of humans over other humans. We need to pray, we need to be ready and we need to be willing to do what we need to do as Christ commands during this time.
KIMMYQUEEN SAYS... This is the craziest election ever... I want this to be done.