Monday, February 14, 2022

Alan Wake Explained - A Writer's Agenda

Ok... so those first five minutes... If you are a believing/knowledgeable Jew and/or a believing/practising Christian or have any knowledge or understanding of religions in general and Judeo-Christianity in particular, I do not need to explain to you what I am thinking off when I hear those first five minutes of this video. Fascinating...? Isn't... To others: basically Hartman and the Dark Presence are enemies that do not accept how things are and seek to shape it into what they think is better. Clearly they are a representation of satan/the devil. I am not going to go deep, but that is a very good and interesting summation of what is going on outside or within our physical world and what we do see. There is a war going on not just between good and evil per se but between the reality that best works for everyone vs the reality that others believe it is better but in the end are just meant to be best for their own agenda (everyone else are essentially slaves). In any case those first five minutes hit a very interesting and serious note that merits meditation outside of this game.

The rest of the video is of course fascinating...

Innocent man sent to jail for rape by his own fiancé | 60 Minutes Australia